Danny's DNA Discoveries
by Danny Miller, education@psms.org
(version 0.1.000)

This project is an ongoing attempt to document all of the mushrooms species that occur in the Pacific Northwest based on DNA analysis funded by PSMS member Yi-Min Wang, the PSMS board and other entities fully acknowledged below. I define the PNW as Washington, Oregon, Idaho and southern British Columbia, although MycoMatch includes species only found in northern BC as well. Obviously this is a project than can never be completed, but I hope it will be a valuable contribution to the study of fungi in the PNW.


For detailed instructions on how to use my DNA data and trees, see the README in the downloaded zip file.

Other free resources: How to help out with this project:
  • · Collect and identify a mushroom found in the PNW.
  • · Search this page for the most recent genus name, and click on it for details. If that genus is not clickable yet, email me (this is a work in progress).
  • · Find your species on that page and it will tell you if collections of that species are still needed for sequencing.
  • · Dry it in a food dehydrator for 24 hours, contact me, and I will get the mushroom from you, sequence it, and let you know the results.
  • · If you have a mushroom sequence, you can download all my sequences for that genus to compare with to see what species you might have or if it is something I don't have a sequence of yet and would appreciate seeing. Most internet sequences are incorrectly identified, so you may need a reliable database like this one to compare against.

If you have any information to add, or corrections to make, please contact me above!

The arrangement of the tree that follows is still somewhat speculative, but based in part on the latest multi-gene studies, starting with this great site which shows what we know from the relatively few species that have had their entire genome sequenced. Otherwise, I try to go by the study that uses the most genes. The tree reads from basal to crown, top to bottom.

Eventually, there will be a report for every genus. Links that have been written so far and can be clicked on begin with a • and are underlined.
You can expand and contract branches of the tree by clicking on an entry with an arrow. Some interesting features that clades have evolved are noted in bold, like spore colour.