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Danny’s DNA Discoveries – Alnicola (Naucoria), Meottomyces, and Phaeogalera of the PNW
by Danny Miller

(there's not much call for a picture key of species)


Here are a few interesting miscellaneous genera in the large Hymenogastraceae family (or perhaps it should be called a super-family).

Alnicola (Naucoria) - unusual LBMs that are mycorrhizal, perhaps you'll be able to recognize them from among the myraid other LBMs by their tendency to have a dry, flat cap and grow under alder and willow. Naucoria seems to be the older name, but some sources are still using Alnicola. I await a final ruling.

Alnicola may need to be split into three genera: A. salicis and A. bohemica into a second genus (members are present in the PNW) and A. submelinoides and A. alnetorum into a third genus.

Meottomyces - only recently discovered in the PNW, they are small to medium sized on the ground with a greasy to sticky cap and perhaps a ring, but have no unusual odor (unlike the similar Hebeloma).

Phaeogalera - much like Galerina, except with a germ pore. They have smooth brown spores and a dry cap (Galerina might too, but often have warty spores and a viscid cap). Smith placed them all in Galerina in a section he called Porospora (those with germ pores).

abundant  common  uncommon  rare - colour codes match my Pictorial Key and are my opinions and probably reflect my bias of living in W WA. Rare species may be locally common in certain places at certain times.

Summary of Interesting Results

Here are some of the newest, most interesting results of the study:

  • TBD

Alnicola (Naucoria) - click to expand

For a non descript LBM, Alnicola has been studied quite extensively in Europe by Moreau, so we have good sequences of many species... yet still many of ours are turning out to be different undescribed species.

Meottomyces - click to expand

Phaeogalera - click to expand

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